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Earlier it was just a 13 minute trailer released on you tube but now the full 74 minute anti Islam movie"the innocent prophet"has been released on youtube and is easily accessible even after
2 billion muslims across the world protested against it and more than 100 people were killed. Ya ALLAH Ya Rahem.

ALERT:-Asalamu alaikum Brothers and sisters a very important news. Ulama
(scholars) have warned all muslims worldwide not to use Google and YouTube from today & for 3 days because Google has declared that they will not block the movie insulting Muhammad sallalahu Alaihi wasalam, this will lead them into a loss of more than 210 million dollars, because the world has about 1 and a half billion Muslims who use them. If you think you are a Muslim and a successor to Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wasalam, u can be a part of this protest.
Taking less than 2 min to share or forward this msg so that we can answer Allah (SWT) when He asks us what action we took when his beloved (SAW) was insulted? USA is losing;
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